Hemorrhoids: The Ultimate Guide...
Do you have pain when you go to the toilet or when you sit down and you don't dare ask a doctor for advice?
You may be suffering from hemorrhoids without knowing it, and while pain in this area can indeed be embarrassing, it is important to treat any hemorrhoids as soon as possible, otherwise the pain may increase and the problem may get worse.
What is a hemorrhoid?
Hemorrhoidal veins are cavernous bodies located inside the rectum and which, together with the sphincter, protect the anal orifice. Hemorrhoids actually function to maintain good blood circulation in this region, but also with the rest of the body.
There are two types of hemorrhoidal veins:
- internal hemorrhoidal veins, which line the inside of the rectum,
- external hemorrhoidal veins, which cover the outer part of the rectum.
It is when a phenomenon of inflammation and irritation of these veins appears that we speak of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidal crisis. These are veins that enlarge, become nodular and prominent, which causes pain in particular.
The different levels of severity of hemorrhoids
Medicine distinguishes 4 levels of severity of hemorrhoids. Depending on the level you are at, the symptoms and solutions will not be exactly the same.
Grade 0 : Hemorrhoids are considered healthy, and are a series of tissue pads arranged in a circle around the anus. There is no pain, as the problem occurs when these veins become abnormally bulging and painful.
Level 1 : Hemorrhoids increase slightly in size. We feel a foreign body sensation, but without feeling any pain. It is possible to feel itching in the anal area, or even notice light red bleeding when going to the toilet.
Level 2 : The increase in volume of the hemorrhoidal veins is significant, the foreign body sensation is increased, the light red bleeding is more frequent and pain is felt when passing stools.
Grade 3 : Nodules (abnormal, rounded, palpable formations) come out during stool and then retract. Pain is severe, and oozing and burning may be noted at the anus.
Level 4 : The nodules are permanently outside the anus. The pain is then very significant. The other symptoms, bleeding, oozing, burning, etc. are also present and reinforced.
What are the possible causes of hemorrhoids?
When you suffer from hemorrhoids, the first thing you try to do is relieve the pain and make the symptoms disappear.
However, be careful, the appearance of hemorrhoids should alert you to the underlying causes that promote the phenomenon.
Without action on what causes them to appear, it is very likely that the problem will become recurring and worsen over time!
So here are some possible causes of hemorrhoids:
- Being overweight, which increases pressure on the internal and external veins of the anus.
- A poor diet, too rich in processed, fatty and sugary products, slows down and blocks the proper functioning of digestion. Fecal matter tends to stagnate too long in the intestines, putrefies and causes bloating and constipation. In turn, these phenomena promote the appearance of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins.
- Prolonged sitting. It causes constant pressure on the veins of the anus, thus promoting the appearance of hemorrhoids.
- Constipation. This phenomenon, even if minimal, subjects the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins to excessive force when going to the toilet.
- Diarrhea can also be the cause of hemorrhoids. Acidic feces cause and/or aggravate inflammation of the veins of the rectum. In addition, diarrhea, which is most often associated with a phenomenon of dehydration. This dehydration, more significant at the intestinal level, dries out the stools and consequently leads to an alternation between diarrhea and constipation, which promotes the emergence of hemorrhoids.
- Pregnancy, which is synonymous with weight gain and therefore unusual pressure on the rectum, can also be associated with this phenomenon.
- Natural childbirth and the heavy pushing associated with it can also cause hemorrhoids.
- Certain genetic predisposition factors could also make some people more susceptible to this phenomenon.
Do you suffer from hemorrhoids?
The anal area is obviously difficult to observe! However, your sensations, by touch or by observing the area using a mirror, you will be able to better check if you have hemorrhoids.
- You feel irritation and/or burning in the anal area,
- You feel itching and swelling in the rectum (Be careful not to scratch yourself, as this could make the situation worse!)
- You feel discomfort, a protuberance. If you can see it, it means that you are suffering from hemorrhoids at an advanced stage,
- Passing stools is painful and difficult,
- You notice bleeding during or after going to the toilet.
What treatments are there for hemorrhoids?
There are several types of treatment for hemorrhoids.
As we have already said, these treatments do not exempt you from implementing one or more preventive actions, which are essential for the lasting disappearance of hemorrhoids.
There are several anti-hemorrhoid creams available in pharmacies. Many are made with corticosteroids and therefore have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. This provides faster relief.
However, it is recommended to limit their use over time because these creams can, in the long term, cause adverse reactions. The same type of preparation exists in the form of ointment or suppository.
Lubricating or protective products can also be used, in addition to specific treatments, to facilitate bowel movements. Remember, constipation is an aggravating factor.
As part of conventional treatments, we can also turn to oral treatments. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, minor analgesics and phlebotropic (or vasculoprotective) treatments, such as FormuleH.
There are still some precautions to take. Aspirin is strongly discouraged, because its blood-thinning effect can increase the risk of bleeding.
Finally, pregnant women, who cannot take cortisone-based treatment or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, can fortunately turn to vasculoprotective products.
However, it is entirely possible to relieve hemorrhoids using natural treatments. If you do not wish to resort to anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids, we offer you various recognized natural treatment protocols.
How to relieve hemorrhoids naturally?
Patchouli essential oil
Patchouli is a tropical plant that grows in Indonesia and the Philippines. Its essential oil, extracted from the leaves, has decongestant, healing, anti-inflammatory and skin regenerating properties.
To prevent and relieve hemorrhoids, we recommend mixing 3 drops of patchouli with 3 drops of vegetable oil, and applying this mixture to the anus and hemorrhoids morning and evening for 3 weeks.
Caution is always advised with essential oils, which should be avoided during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
The floral elixir of Cran Apple or wild apple tree
Bach flowers are basically a treatment of the psycho-emotional sphere. However, German researchers have studied the application of flower elixirs on different areas of the body, and have managed to establish a map of the human body and the Bach flowers corresponding to each area.
The rectal area is associated with the elixir of Crab Apple or wild apple tree. In addition to the other chosen treatments, it is advisable to apply 1 drop of Crab Apple, diluted in a tablespoon of water, on the hemorrhoidal area, morning and evening, and to associate this local application with an internal treatment at a rate of 4 drops in the morning and four drops in the evening, diluted or not.
Montmorillonite green clay
Clay is one of the most effective natural remedies that exists. Montmorillonite green clay is healing, antiseptic, purifying, antibacterial and remineralizing.
It will greatly contribute to the disappearance of hemorrhoids. First, you must prepare a paste by mixing, using a wooden spoon, 1 tablespoon of powdered clay with a little water.
Let stand for about 30 minutes, then apply to the rectum. Cover with a compress and leave for 30 to 40 minutes, then rinse gently. This poultice should be repeated 3 to 5 times a day until the hemorrhoids have calmed down.
There is also ready-to-use green clay in tubes. However, it is important to check its purity before purchase.
The horse chestnut tree
To relieve hemorrhoids, we will opt for horse chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum) in the form of homeopathic granules.
It is a classic remedy for hemorrhoidal crises accompanied by pain. It is necessary to take 5 granules of aesculus hippocastanum in 5CH every 2 hours for at least 3 days.
Our natural supplement Formula H contains horse chestnut, butcher's broom, grape seed, vitamin C, rutin and hesperidin to relieve internal and external hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidal flare-ups.
Foot reflexology
Did you know that your entire body is accessible through your feet?
According to the traditional science of foot reflexology, each area of the foot corresponds to an organ and a part of the body. Thus, by stimulating and massaging certain parts of the foot, it is possible to support the healing of many conditions. The same goes for hemorrhoids.
The point corresponding to the rectum is located on the inner side of the foot at the heel. This area should be massaged from top to bottom, every morning and every evening, but also at any time of significant pain. It is also recommended to consult a specialist in plantar reflexology to promote and accelerate healing.
The sitz bath or derivative bath
Another very simple and yet effective natural method for many ailments, and not just hemorrhoids! It involves immersing your rear end in cold water for 15 minutes. The cold will relieve inflammation and calm the pain, in addition to promoting the detoxification of the body.
It is also possible to apply a glove filled with ice cubes to the affected area. This practice is recommended before meals, so as not to hinder the need for heat of the digestive organs.
Witch hazel
Witch hazel is a plant with vasoconstrictive, decongestant, venous tonic, analgesic and anti-infectious properties.
On a compress, place ½ teaspoon of witch hazel extract, and apply to the affected area. To strengthen healing and tissue regeneration, it is possible to add a little aloe vera gel to the witch hazel. Treatment to be applied 2 to 3 times a day.
Gemmotherapy is a powerful alternative medicine that uses concentrated macerates of plant buds. Here we find horse chestnut, well known for its beneficial action on hemorrhoids. The horse chestnut macerate will act on congested veins and improve circulation.
During a hemorrhoidal crisis, horse chestnut bud macerate should be taken at a rate of 8 to 10 drops three times a day outside of meals. The preparation is simply diluted in a glass of water. A three-week treatment is recommended.
Psyllium husk
Psyllium comes from plantain, one of the most widespread wild plants in France and Europe. It is the seed husk and has the ability to regulate intestinal transit.
If you have hemorrhoids and are constipated, taking psyllium will facilitate the passage of stool and accompany the other treatments in progress. You must mix 1 tablespoon of psyllium in a glass of water, and drink this mixture immediately.
It is best to take psyllium before bedtime. If you suffer from constipation, it is possible to increase the doses to 3 per day.
Be careful, psyllium can help lower blood sugar. It is recommended to talk to your doctor if you have diabetes.
Made from a combination of 5 anti-hemorrhoid ingredients (horse chestnut, grape seed, vitamin C, butcher's broom, hesperidin and rutin), FormuleH is the all-in-one concentrate that you can easily take daily.
Its soothing, healing and strengthening action helps prevent, improve and treat various hemorrhoidal problems.
Despite the variety of natural or classic treatments available to treat hemorrhoids, unfortunately the crisis can become complicated and worsen and we are sometimes obliged to resort to more severe treatments...
How are hemorrhoids treated if they become complicated?
There are different medical treatments to stop a recalcitrant hemorrhoidal crisis. If the crisis persists, the doctor will, in most cases, perform an anuloscopy.
This is an examination of the internal anal area using a small cylindrical tube equipped with an optical system. This analysis will allow him to determine the most appropriate treatment.
Endoscopic treatment
This treatment does not eliminate hemorrhoids. In fact, it creates a scar area on top of the internal hemorrhoids, which provides additional support in the anal area. This treatment can be done in a number of ways:
- By elastic ligation of the hemorrhoids. This ligation causes the devitalization of the tissues and subsequently allows their destruction using another medical technique.
- Sclerosing injections, which, as their name suggests, cause sclerosis of the hemorrhoidal vessels.
- Photocoagulation (also known as electrocoagulation, which works to fix the mucous membranes of blood vessels to prevent the hemorrhoids from recurring.
- Cryotherapy, or cold therapy, will freeze the area, cut off the blood supply and reduce inflammation and congestion.
These treatments can cause side effects such as pain, bleeding or fever. However, they are generally well tolerated, and in all cases the side effects do not last.
Unfortunately, their effectiveness decreases over time and the reappearance of hemorrhoids can occur! When these treatments have failed, or when the hemorrhoids are too large, the doctor normally suggests surgical treatment.
The different surgical treatments for hemorrhoids
- Minimally invasive radiofrequency surgery is a recent technique that burns hemorrhoidal patches using radiofrequency, without damaging the mucosa of the anal region.
- Hemorrhoidopexy, in which the surgeon does not remove the hemorrhoids, but moves them up into the anal canal. One of the collars of the mucosa is removed, and the hemorrhoids are held in place using a system of staples. The blood supply is thus reduced, which reduces the risk of the hemorrhoids reappearing. This procedure can cause anal incontinence, which normally disappears after about 4 weeks. In the same period of time, the staples are eliminated by themselves.
- Hemorrhoid ligation involves tying off the small arteries supplying blood to the hemorrhoidal veins. Its effectiveness is optimal between 1 and 2 months after the procedure.
- Hemorrhoidectomy, which involves the complete removal of hemorrhoidal bundles. This method still causes painful post-operative effects and healing takes longer than with the other procedures mentioned. Healing can take 4 to 6 weeks to be complete.
What emerges from our research on hemorrhoids and their treatment is that unfortunately it is a phenomenon whose disappearance for life cannot be guaranteed by any treatment, even surgical.
For what reason?
Simply because hemorrhoids are signs of a more global imbalance, which needs to be taken into account. This is why, when you suffer from repeated hemorrhoidal attacks, it is essential to question your lifestyle and improve the different aspects of diet, stress, and other risk factors.
Changing your lifestyle to prevent hemorrhoids
Diet is the number one risk factor for hemorrhoids. If you are used to eating ready-made, processed, excessively fatty or sugary foods, or a majority of meat with few fruits and vegetables, tell yourself that it is high time to change your diet!
Not only to avoid recurring hemorrhoids, but also simply for your overall health.
Your diet should be rich in fiber, through fruits and as many vegetables as possible, both raw and cooked. You will also need to reduce excess salt and sugar, and opt for good fats, such as olive oil or coconut oil among others.
Obviously, a healthy diet should focus on simple, seasonal cuisine, prepared by you and not from the “ready-to-eat” sections of the supermarket.
It is also essential to hydrate your body well and therefore drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. Start with a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning, to detoxify your body. Then have a bottle of water with you, combined for example with a few slices of lemon and/or a few mint leaves, to sip throughout your day.
Following these tips will allow you to feel a rapid overall sense of well-being, but will also improve your intestinal transit and eliminate constipation, which is very conducive to the appearance of hemorrhoids.
Physical exercise
To be healthy, it is essential to move your body. On the contrary, our sedentary lifestyles promote weight gain and poor general circulation, both of which promote the appearance of hemorrhoids.
20 minutes of walking a day, 20 to 30 minutes of yoga every morning when you get up or every evening before going to bed will have extremely positive effects on your health and your morale! Of course, all sports are welcome, but know that there is no need for intensive practice to feel rapid positive effects!
By improving general circulation within your body, increasing venous return and boosting your metabolism (and therefore your digestion), sport helps prevent hemorrhoids.
Limit oxidative stress
This involves limiting common pollutants that have the effect of increasing the dilation of blood vessels, limiting good blood circulation, promoting constipation and stress.
The main pollutants are of course tobacco, alcohol and coffee. All three must be drastically reduced if you want to say goodbye to your hemorrhoids.
If you suffer from repeated hemorrhoidal attacks, you have understood that you need to start a real change in lifestyle to see the situation improve significantly.
Since hemorrhoids do not cause major complications, you have every opportunity to make gradual changes, while choosing the type of crisis treatment that suits you best.
There are many treatment options available, natural (like Formula H ), medical or surgical, to provide relief during attacks. Now it's up to you to take charge of your health!